
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Life Colors

I took this Life Colors survey online and this is what it came up with. I resent that last line "However, be careful that you don't live too much in the future. There are the realities of day-to-day living to think about." If I could help it, I truly would run away from the realities of every day. But what does that make me? The most pathetic coward I know.

Your Life Colors

You scored mainly in the Water-Sky quadrant. This 'Blue' quadrant highlights the water sign of your personality and your tendency to be cool and free-flowing in most circumstances. Water from the sky provides the necessary resources for growth and this is a feature of your approach to life. You will enjoy the freshness of new ideas and actively seek these out, either by talking to others or by reading.

People who map into this quadrant will enjoy examining problems or making discoveries. Consequently, you may sometimes tend to take your time in coming to decisions which affect your day-to-day life. If there are any uncertainties, your natural reaction will be to postpone things until you are sure.

You are unlikely to enjoy conflict situations which, more than likely, will create stress for you. In these circumstances you may well be a 'worrier' and this could affect your health. As a result you will usually move to defuse any potential conflicts well before they occur.

You will be a considerate person and choose your words carefully so that you don't upset others. Sometimes however, you may be so subtle that people don't realize what you are feeling about a particular issue. You may need to check that people fully understand your views and incorporate these into their decision making.

Being a sky person, you may well have a strong imagination which causes you to fantasize about the future. Future possibilities interest you greatly whereas the past is something you can readily put behind you. However, be careful that you don't live too much in the future. There are the realities of day-to-day living to think about.

** The photo is of me dressed up as a revolutionary girl in the Autumn shoot.


Anonymous said...

I took that color test. I was green, Water-Earth. No exactly accurate but I think it's because of the way the questions are worded. I mean, I do fantasize about stuff (drama, stories, etc.) but then I'm also very realistic about other things. It's like I do both and they're both on the extremes. So, I picked the middle answer. If it were 2 separate questions, I would probably put high points in both. So yolo, you like to live in the future and dream about what is to come? Well, it's good that you'll always be looking forward to something.

Anonymous said...

Follow-up with your "coward" comment about not wanting to live in reality. Okay, being the somewhat pessimist that I am, life is not exactly "great." I mean, there are problems, hardships, and troubles you have to deal with. It's not perfect and happy all the time. I can relate to that. I thought about this and if I had a choice (before I was a human and I'm just a spirit somewhere), I would choose not to exist in this world and not be born. Have you ever thought, if you were given that choice, what would you choose? People love movies because in those 2 hours, they can forget about reality and live in that "movie world." People love dramas because we also use it to escape to another world that is different from the reality we live in. This is the same for books, hobbies, games, and various other activities. Like, if you were doing some extreme sport, your focus is on accomplishing a certain goal or enjoying the sport. Life is somewhat simplified to I need to get that goal or make that basket and your world is just the game. Is a person a coward for wanting to escape reality? Or is this just a way for us to cope with reality that everyone needs in order to survive in this world?