
Monday, October 6, 2008

Who I Am I To Be

In my opinion, there are three sides to us as human beings: 1) Who we are expected to be 2) Who we want to be, and 3) Who we need to be. These three sides are constantly at battle with each other and I realize that life would be so much easier if all 3 of those were the exactly the same, but that is almost impossible. So far, I've been living life mostly as the person who I need to be and expected to be. I'm constantly in conflict every time I lean towards who I want to be and find some way to kick myself back against it.

It is so frustrating. Even though I realize what is stopping me from being who I want to be, there are simply too many expectations and responsibilities in the way that I get make me fear and stray from that path. Arghhhh!

1 comment:

Hai Dang said...

I think you are missing the most important person in this equation..."who you choose to be" is the only things to matters...