
Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Good Ideas

Week 8 - Our 12 mile run last weekend seemed to have gone well. We had a very late start since I forgot my iPod and we had to stop by the office to look up an approximate running distance. We started from around Playa Del Rey, ran to Hermosa Beach, and back. After 8pm, we finally started on our way down, and it actually felt okay, even though it seemed long and never ending. By about 10:05pm we approached the area where we "thought" we parked the car, but of course could not find it. We walked back and forth several times, thinking perhaps we missed it. With no cell phone or money, we really didn't have much choice but to seek help from strangers. Luckily a very helpful beach employee was getting off work and offered not only her cell phone but a ride to the gas station. After calling and startling all the family members and friends we know, we had Gary's cousin, Pat, come pick us up and take one last look again, only to find the car 2 and a half ours later. We are idiots! We drove home laughing at ourselves because we were embarrassed and happy that the car was not stolen at the same time.

Week 9 - 13 mile run. I thought it might be a good idea to change the pace and scenery a bit, and found a 13 mile hiking trail at Malibu Creek State Park. This time we got started around 6:30pm thinking we still had a good 2 hours of day light. Little did we think about the 4-5 minute of going straight up hill, and not really sure of the trail we were suppose to be on, then having to tress pass a very eerie abandoned blocked off shelter. We ended up rushing to get back before there was no more daylight left, and got extremely lost and off trail. Finally close to 9pm, and luckily with a full moon, we were happy to see the car still in the same spot. We ended up only going 11 miles, but our workout was definitely more than expected. Another adventure completed.

We are just so full of good ideas!

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