
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Few Simple Updates

It's getting late, and I'm feeling very groggy so I'll make this entry short and simple with a few updates.

1) Co-hosted the biggest party at my parent's home and it actually went smoothly. No crazy people, nobody had problems getting through the gate, no puking (that I know of), no one seriously hurt, not the hottest day of the year, no toy train falling into the punch, no fights, and no lamps broken. I think that will probably be the last big one I ever hold there again. I'm getting older and these things are just too much work for my lazy *ss to handle.

2) Finished a 9 mile run on Monday. I am happy about it, but still tired today. This whole marathon training thing is such a strange idea to me. I'm not really stressing nor even thinking much about it, but it does take up a good amount of time each week. So far, training is very do-able. Not fun, but definitely do-able.

3) I'm taking a 2 month break from acting class. I think that might be a very good idea since I'm a little worn out and I might want to take a few trips during this time.

4) Watched "Crossing Over", a film on illegal immigration starring Harrison Ford amongst others. I was surprised to see an old UCLA friend appear in speaking role as an Asian gangster. Makes me feel like I need to get into gear already.

Overall: Stress has taken over me because as usual, we battle against time. We certainly don't have enough of it to accomplish what we want. I'm hoping to get much more work done the next month.

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