
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Under the Tuscan Sun

I finally watched the 2003 adapted movie directed by Audrey Wells : Under the Tuscan Sun. The story was amusing enough to keep me wanting to find out more, and although it wasn't a "huge" film, there were many quotes in it that I found interesting.

"Regrets are a waste of time. They're just the past crippling you in the present"

"They built tracks over the Alps to connect Venice and Vienna they built the track before there was even a train in existence that could make the trip… they built the tracks because they knew the train would come."

"Unthinkably good things can happen... even late in the game... it's such a surprise"

I have to believe that this is true, and I really do. As of late, I think I have caught a glimpse of something that is amazingly good, and it has been overwhelming me like crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the quotes!!